Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"You really saw my naked heart / You really brought out the naked part."

Well slap me silly and call me Sam, if they haven't goddamn gone and done it again!!!

I'm sorry, but MMJ is back and I've been jonesin' for a fix for far too long. These boys right here are the reason rock-n-roll was ever invented in the first place. Their new album Evil Urges comes out June 10th, but those lucky enough to be in attendance at their show last night in Houston, Texas were treated to the debut of 8 of the 14 tracks. In days gone by this show would be lost to the passing of time, just a legend whispered from the lips of one crazed fan to another. Thankfully, we live in the golden age of Youtube. I'm sure this is probably not mmj's preferred method of delivery for virgin ears, but regardless of their shitty quality, these tunes still wet my panties. They honestly sound like what two flavours of ice cream having sex in your mouth tastes like, and if that makes any sense to you at all, then multiply the awesomeness of that by the sheer depths of infinity and you will still not even have the slightest glimpse of how good these new songs are. Well I've more than likely built up your expectations way too high, so I'll just let the tunes prove me wrong...

Evil Urges

Highly Suspicious

I'm Amazed

Thank You Too

Smokin' From Shootin'

Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Part 2

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