So my roommate's from Oakville. Good guy. But this story isn't about him, it's about his friend back home who plays in a shinny league with Ron MacLean. Naturally, this led to my roommate and me riffing about him getting in a scrap with MacLean. In reality, it's a no hitting league.
This is an msn convo my roommate had with his friend this afternoon:
G.T.A. says:
G.T.A. says:
guesss whattt
G.T.A. says:
leege POL. says:
leege POL. says:
u scraped ron maclean
G.T.A. says:
well i played ronny macs team tonite
G.T.A. says:
G.T.A. says:
and 1st minute of overtime...we go down...hit the post...on the way back ..ronny has the puck......
G.T.A. says:
hes rippin up the boards and i....hahaha laid him out...
G.T.A. says:
then obviosuyl some fucking hero comes at me skating from the far end....
G.T.A. says:
reverting back to my primate instincts...
G.T.A. says:
i duck at the last seccond and lay a hipper on the guy
G.T.A. says:
he does a 540 in the air lands on his head
G.T.A. says:
gets up tries to go me...
G.T.A. says:
guess what penalty they gave me?
leege POL. says:
G.T.A. says:
hahahahahahahah not even close
G.T.A. says:
intent to injure
G.T.A. says:
on a body check
G.T.A. says:
just bc it was maclean
G.T.A. says:
playoffs start next week and im prolly gone forever from the league
leege POL. says:
G.T.A. says:
G.T.A. says:
fuckin bullshit
G.T.A. says:
any other player and nothing would have happend
leege POL. says:
so what like next year u cant play for us now?
G.T.A. says:
hahahha i dont know
leege POL. says:
u cant sign us up tho is what ur saying
G.T.A. says:
i prolly can play
leege POL. says:
yeah like what are u thinking laying out ron maclean
G.T.A. says:
i just hope they dont treat me like a child rapist
G.T.A. says:
fucking bullshit
leege POL. says:
like ur unreal...its funny cause as soon as u said guess what i said u fought ron maclean
G.T.A. says:
man he wouldnt go me
G.T.A. says:
i wouldnt go him
G.T.A. says:
obviosuly he has paid off his team
G.T.A. says:
always fucking me
leege POL. says:
it is always you...but this one u did to urself
G.T.A. says:
hahahaha i know fackkkkkkk
G.T.A. says:
all i see is red and then a black out
leege POL. says:
yo can my roomate post this story on his blog
G.T.A. says:
yah of course
G.T.A. says:
actually wait a few days until i see my suspensions
G.T.A. says:
i dont want me case to be contaminated with public knowledge
G.T.A. says:
cant jump right into it....an ol lawyers trick
G.T.A. says:
but yah u guys can...ill verify info if needed
G.T.A. says:
maybe even do a sketch
G.T.A. says:
but yo i gotta go shower and think about my life....
G.T.A. says:
im prolly gunna be run outta oakville
G.T.A. says:
my shot of making the big leagues is crushed. ronny mac is gunna black ball me
leege POL. says:
lol yeah seriously what were u thinkin...thats like attacking the prime minister
G.T.A. says:
i no....i was thinkin what would cherry do
G.T.A. says:
and then i had flashbacks of rock'm sock'm 5
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