The Dark Knight

Batman Begins set a new standard for how comic book movies should be made. Batman was also my favourite super hero growing up so you can bet I’ll be at the front of the line come opening day. I will admit it is going to be weird seeing Heath Ledger back up on the big screen but it looks like he’s going out with a bang! (Too soon?)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The name’s a little gay, and in the trailer it looks to be playing up the comedy instead of the adventure (never a good sign). Not to mention that Shia LaBeouf is rumoured to be playing Dr. Jones’ son. But, with all that being said, I can’t deny the fact that Indy was a bona fide hero of my childhood and the shiver that rushes through me every time I hear the theme song begin to swell.

This is either going to be Pixar’s biggest movie ever, surpassing the likes of “Toy Story” and “Finding Nemo”, or it’s going to be their biggest failure. I’m betting on the former.
Iron Man

A comic book movie starring Robert Downey Jr. who plays a super hero who shares my last name? Come on, you know this movie looks so fucking money.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Along with “Pineapple Express”, this is from the dudes behind “40 Year-Old Virgin”, “Knocked Up”, and “Super Bad”. And since all of those were super hilarious I don’t see why this one won’t be as well!
Mister Foe

I don’t know much about this one, but it’s got the kid from “Billy Elliot” in it, that hottie Claire Forlani, and a pretty sick soundtrack, as evidenced in the trailer.
Get Smart

I know what you’re saying; the “Big Screen Remake of an Old TV show” formula is about as exhausted as your grandparents are after having sex. But this one’s also got the hottie factor working for it (Anne Hathaway) and word on the street is it was actually made with some integrity and reverence towards the old series, not just because it already had a built in audience. Besides, it really tickles my fancy hearing Alan Arkin say “We’re not people who jam staples into other people’s heads, that’s CIA crap!”,
Summer Palace

China in the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s was somewhat reminiscent of the west in the ‘60’s. The only problem is it’s a lot harder trying to start a cultural revolution in a communist country than it is in a democratic one. The trailer plays up the romance angle, but I’ve heard this is one of the first films to accurately portray what it was like in China during that time.
The Visitor

The cynic in me says this movie looks way too cheesy to be any good. The cynic in me has also never really amounted to much.

‘Coming of Age’ stories usually work best when your ‘Coming of Age’. The funny this is, most of your life is pretty much spent ‘Coming of Age’.
Young at Heart

Geriatrics covering acts such as The Clash, The Ramones, and James Brown? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as balls to the wall as this!
Taxi To the Dark Side

It’s more than likely that the majority of horrors and atrocities committed by the U.S. during their “War on Terror” won’t even see the light of day for the next couple of decades. This film is one of the few that is shedding some light on the topics the mainstream media wouldn’t dare to cover. It also recently won the academy award for Best Documentary.

I actually don’t think this movie looks that good, but they’re doing buckets near the beginning of the trailer, so I had to include it.
The Year My Parents Went On Vacation

South America has produced some excellent films in the past couple of years so I am recommending this based solely on that. It also seems to have a “Central Station” vibe to it, a great film from Brazil that came out a few years ago.
Son of Rambow

As soon as I saw the rescue attempt of Rambow, I was sold.
Speed Racer

This is what happens when you mix a Japanese cartoon from the 1960’s and a heroic dose of acid.
The Foot Fist Way

"The Foot Fist Way" is the comedy that some of the funniest guys in America think is the funniest movie in America.
The Incredible Hulk

Are they seriously remaking a movie that came out in 2003? At least this one has Edward Norton and Tim Roth. That’s gotta count for something right?

So it’s 1956, there’s a doctor suffering from anxiety and insomnia, who decides on a whim to give up everything he’s earned and live his life on the road... along with his wife and nine children... in a 24 foot trailer.
Step Brothers

Fuck this, I'm tired of writing, just watch the trailer.
More Movies I Want To See But Don’t Have Any Trailers Yet:
Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
The Wackness
American Teen
The Rocker
Tropic Thunder
Burn After Reading
Righteous Kill
Ghost Town
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
City of Ember
Quantum of Solace
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Revolutionary Road
Yes Man
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