Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Get The Devil Some Ice Skates!!!

Welp, I've finally gone and done it.

After minimal consideration and against far superior judgment, I've decided to join the ranks of bloggers the world over. I mean, you might as well get with the times before the times get with you (this makes no sense I know, but just go with it, it sounds cool). With blogs ranging from Kitty Kuts (dedicated to the latest and trendiest feline hairstyles) to Celebrity Organ Aficionado (for your average joe who also just happens to be the connoisseur of body parts from the famous) there is basically no topic/interest/sick twisted fetish that hasn't already been covered. Which is why I won't specialize or focus on one particular category, but instead cover anything I deem worthy. From what upcoming movies I'm pumped to see, to what album you absolutely must download right away. From the highbrow to the absolute lowest of the low, and everything else that I come across while wandering the internets and/or the comedy that is everyday life. But why name it LUMBERJACK inc. you ask? Ah, good question! Basically everyone knows that along with pirates, ninjas and Miles Davis, lumberjacks are some of the baddest humans to ever stomp the Terra. And, seein' how played out the other three have been in the last few years, I didn't want to jump on anyone else's bandwagon (plus you can get away with lookin' like a lumberjack, but if you dress as a ninja or a pirate you're bound to get your ass kicked). As for being Incorporated? I felt it brought a nice touch of professionalism. Not that this should be viewed as professional in anyway whatsoever... but this is my blog, so I can do whatever the fuck I want. If you don't like it, you can suck it. Suck it long and hard.(I'm hoping there's quite a few of you who don't) Anyways, that's all for the time being, but make sure to check back often. You never know what kind of sexcapades I'll get myself into!

Seacrest Out.

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