When we unite our hearts and minds, there is no obstacle too great that we cannot accomplish....
Saturday, March 29, 2008
John Pilat
About two years ago, I'm chattin' with some friends on msn, when all of a sudden I get invited into some chat where I know no one. Naturally, like any good internet user shrouded in anonymity, I began to verbally abuse and assault all I could. After goin' at it with this one guy for quite a while, from what he is saying, it starts to dawn on me that this dude is not only from Sarnia but actually lives in my neighbourhood! We start talkin' a bit more and I find out not only does he live in my neighbourhood, he lives like right across the street! Needless to say, it was pretty rattling initially, but after meeting the dude I discovered not only is he pretty cool but he's also an amazing musician... along with The Chocolate Robots, this guy is one of the better musicians from Sarnia. Take a listen to his cover of "Strangers" by The Kinks located here.
I wanna get with you, and your sister, I think her name's Debra
Turn down your lights, grab your girl, put on this track, and rock her world....
mmmmmmm oh yeah, that's some baby makin' music right there.
mmmmmmm oh yeah, that's some baby makin' music right there.
I Drink Your Milkshake!
Okay... so if you've already seen There Will Be Blood then you know that Daniel Day Lewis gives the best acting performance in recent memory. This is the final scene of the movie so if you wish to remain unpolluted by spoilers, turn back now. Otherwise, bear witness to the new "Say Hello To My Little Friend!"
There's even a rap remix!
If only I could be that intense in my everyday life I'd be drinking other people's milkshakes as well.
There's even a rap remix!
If only I could be that intense in my everyday life I'd be drinking other people's milkshakes as well.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Chocolate Robots Do Toronto!

I was at home this past weekend, doin’ the easter thing, gettin’ my egg hunt on; but as well as all that madness, I had the chance to see The Chocolate Robots perform live. For those in the know – and there are far too few of us – this is the best band to come out of Sarnia in years. This isn’t your regular run of the mill small town band, playing covers of AC/DC and Buck Cherry ad nauseam. These guys craft unique, raw, do it yourself indie rock coupled with the most perfect pop melodies this side of The Beach Boys. Their lyrics range from spaced out streams of consciousness, to intuitive and intriguing glimpses of everyday life. They’re the guys in high school who would rush home to get baked in the garage before mom and dad got home from work, and then proceeded to jam out in the basement for hours on end. The only difference between you and them is they never put down their instruments. They kept playing, and they kept getting better. When you see these guys live, you get a sense of how much fun it is for them to play, but you also can’t help but admire how serious they take their music. This is how all the good bands used to make it. Based on that visceral feeling, that connection they made with their audience. Like when that “Oh My God Are We Actually Witnessing This?” look creeps across your face and you remember why you fell in love with music in the first place. That’s what The Chocolate Robots do; their most commonly traded commodity is kick ass nights. It’s not their fault though, the urge to play music pumps through their souls as the blood does through their veins. Their dad was a member of Bog, a band that had mild success in Sarnia in the early/mid ‘90’s. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that... they’re all brothers. Talk about being perfectly designed to make it big. Tomorrow night they take their first steps down the road to super stardom, as they are making their Toronto debut opening for Oakland, California indie/folk/rap band Why?. If you are anywhere near the big city I highly suggest going to this show at all costs. Then, when all your hipster friends are talking about these guys next year you can say, “Please, I was at their first show in Toronto last March.” And plus, you know that hot chick who works at that cafe down the street? She’ll want to do you too. Yep. It’s been scientifically proven that liking The Chocolate Robots increases your sex appeal. You can’t go wrong with these guys. If you can’t make it to their show tomorrow night, at the very least you should check out their MySpace page. I suggest Hot Sauce and No Clue.The pic above is from their album release party for “Purr Quality” last year. That’s me and Ricky right there in the front row, realizing we finally have a band to brag about being from the same city as.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
911 Richmond... A Place Which Will Live On In Infamy

You see that beauty right there? In second year, that was my humble abode... a place where both many legends and many nightmares were spawned. It was 125 years old, originally built for the nuns who worked at St. Joseph's Hospital right across the street. At night you could hear their spirits whisper to each other. One time, we may have even came across one in the basement:

911 Richmond
Deep down I think he was actually kind of impressed by the sheer audacity of it. And in the end, he did get to tear it down, no doubt because of us!
So You Think You Can Rock?

Last Night, I had the pleasure of hosting a Battle of The Bands at The Alex P. Keaton here in London, Ontario. There were four groups (Who's Chad?, The Early Risers, Flophouse, and The Radio Cure) who shredded many licks that melted many faces, but only one band could be crowned as the ultimate rockers. When all was said and done, it was The Radio Cure (I wonder if they're named after the Wilco song?), with their Indie/Classic Rock stylings who took home the top prize. They ended their set with a 7 minute fuzzed out guitar rambling much akin to something Built To Spill would do. The crowd was thoroughly impressed. Also, they were originally from Sarnia, so it was good to see a hometown band makin' good in the medium city. All in all, the music was loud, the beer was cold, and the smiles were plenty; and as well as getting a chance to let loose for a couple hours, we were able to raise $500.00 for The Canadian Cancer Society. Stay tuned for my interview with The Western Gazette... if the chick who's doing it ever gets around to calling me. I think she's nervous about the competition my blog might bring! Watch out now, this thing is blowin' up!
Could Be A Crack Head
I should have posted this a week ago, but I kind of shit the bed on that one. This really is too good to pass up though, so here's some black folk and their leprechaun encounter.....
Leprechaun In Mobile, Alabama
The Rap Remix
Leprechaun In Mobile, Alabama
The Rap Remix
Kimmel/Silverman Music Video War
If you guys are fans of Jimmy Kimmel, then you've probably already seen these. If you aren't, then what are you waiting for!!!!
I'm Fucking Matt Damon
I'm Fucking Ben Affleck
I don't know what's better, Brad Pitt asking, "What'd you wish for?" or Harrison Ford driving a car with a bumper sticker that says, "Honk If You're Fucking Ben Affleck"
Either way, comedic genius.
I'm Fucking Matt Damon
I'm Fucking Ben Affleck
I don't know what's better, Brad Pitt asking, "What'd you wish for?" or Harrison Ford driving a car with a bumper sticker that says, "Honk If You're Fucking Ben Affleck"
Either way, comedic genius.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Jim James
"your skin looks good in moonlight
and god damn those shaky knees
the fact that my heart's beating
is all the proof you need"
The best singer-songwriter in the game today. I just don't understand how one man and one guitar can sound this goddamn beautiful. Watch these videos, open your soul to some truth:
Steam Engine
I Will Be There When You Die
Goin' To Acapulco
and god damn those shaky knees
the fact that my heart's beating
is all the proof you need"
The best singer-songwriter in the game today. I just don't understand how one man and one guitar can sound this goddamn beautiful. Watch these videos, open your soul to some truth:
Steam Engine
I Will Be There When You Die
Goin' To Acapulco
Friday, March 21, 2008
Barack Obama Motha Fucka!!!

Earlier today, former presidential candidate and current New Mexico governor Bill Richardson threw his support behind Barack Obama in the U.S. Election. This could come as a huge blow to Hillary seeing as how Richardson served under Bill Clinton as both an ambassador to the U.N. and secretary of the Energy Department. Not to mention the fact that they got together last month to watch the Super Bowl with each other. The biggest problem for Hillary though, is Richardson is a Super Delegate and one with considerable sway over the Hispanic vote. Either way, things are not looking good for her, especially when one of her friends is calling Obama a “once-in-a-lifetime-leader." Which he clearly is; after all, I'm a Canadian, and he's even got me on the edge of my seat over the U.S. election. He truly is a captivating man, with oratory skills the best P.R. man would die for. I mean, come on, he's even a fan of Wilco!!!! (See picture)
But don't take my word for it, here's what Tracy Morgan has to say on the subject:
Raconteurs Leaked
OK... I haven't posted in a few days, so I'll try and make up for it today. First off, the last time I wrote I mentioned that The Raconteurs' new album 'Consolers of The Lonely' would be released this upcoming Tuesday. But, like most of the highly anticipated albums released these days, this one has mysteriously found its way onto the interwebs before it was supposed to!! I feel a little bad that it has leaked though, what with The Raconteurs actually trying to guarantee that everyone would hear the record for the first time at the exact same time as everyone else, but alas we now live in a world where patience has fallen by the wayside. Anyways... I'm currently listening through this album for the first time and my initial reaction is me wondering if this is the same band? Their sound has EXPANDED.... and I mean that in the most positive way. Lots more keys, lots of horns, banjo, violin, guitar used more as an accent instead of a focal point. Don't get me wrong, Jacky still shreds, he's just not overloading us with his Rockery. It also sounds as if they recorded this live, directly in the studio.... no pro tools bullshit on this piece. All in all, I need to go change my diaper. If you too want to get your Jack White on, search 'Consolers of The Lonely Torrent' on Google and one should pop up.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tropic Thunder Trailer

I included 'Tropic Thunder' in my Most Anticipated Movies Of 2008, but there wasn't a trailer released when that article went to press. Fortunately, early today one leaked onto the net and now you can view it here. Tom Cruise has a cameo in this, dressed up in a fat suit, and as ridiculous as that sounds it's supposedly super hilarious too. Either way you can't go wrong when you cast Robert Downey Jr. as a white actor who gets plastic surgery to play a black man.
Rock 'N' Roll Done Right

So last Tuesday Jack White walks into the Warner Brothers head office, unannounced, hands them the master tape for the new Raconteurs album and tells them he wants it out and in stores this upcoming Tuesday. How fuckin' rock'n'roll is that? The pic above is the rumoured album cover, and the title is apparently 'Consolers of the Lonely'. “We wanted to get this record to fans, the press, radio, etc., all at the EXACT SAME TIME so that no one has an upper hand on anyone else regarding its availability, reception or perception,” the band said in a statement. Along with MMJ's 'Evil Urges', this just shot to the top of my list of most anticipated albums of the year.
Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!!!

Woah, talk about Deja Vu. But the chance to get your Irish on twice in one year only comes around once in a lifetime... and I wasn't about to pass that up. In the beginning, things weren't looking too promising; the crew we were with decided that we'd be celebrating St. Patty's at Jim Bob's. If you've ever been, then you know what I'm talking about. This place is a popped-collar parade. You go here to pick up on the bleached platinum-blonde in the knee highs. It's basically got Guido's dripping off the walls. But, when all was said and done, I ended up having a great time. It turns out it's not where you go that makes a night, but who you go with.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I Always Knew Ron MacLean Was A Bitch

So my roommate's from Oakville. Good guy. But this story isn't about him, it's about his friend back home who plays in a shinny league with Ron MacLean. Naturally, this led to my roommate and me riffing about him getting in a scrap with MacLean. In reality, it's a no hitting league.
This is an msn convo my roommate had with his friend this afternoon:
G.T.A. says:
G.T.A. says:
guesss whattt
G.T.A. says:
leege POL. says:
leege POL. says:
u scraped ron maclean
G.T.A. says:
well i played ronny macs team tonite
G.T.A. says:
G.T.A. says:
and 1st minute of overtime...we go down...hit the post...on the way back ..ronny has the puck......
G.T.A. says:
hes rippin up the boards and i....hahaha laid him out...
G.T.A. says:
then obviosuyl some fucking hero comes at me skating from the far end....
G.T.A. says:
reverting back to my primate instincts...
G.T.A. says:
i duck at the last seccond and lay a hipper on the guy
G.T.A. says:
he does a 540 in the air lands on his head
G.T.A. says:
gets up tries to go me...
G.T.A. says:
guess what penalty they gave me?
leege POL. says:
G.T.A. says:
hahahahahahahah not even close
G.T.A. says:
intent to injure
G.T.A. says:
on a body check
G.T.A. says:
just bc it was maclean
G.T.A. says:
playoffs start next week and im prolly gone forever from the league
leege POL. says:
G.T.A. says:
G.T.A. says:
fuckin bullshit
G.T.A. says:
any other player and nothing would have happend
leege POL. says:
so what like next year u cant play for us now?
G.T.A. says:
hahahha i dont know
leege POL. says:
u cant sign us up tho is what ur saying
G.T.A. says:
i prolly can play
leege POL. says:
yeah like what are u thinking laying out ron maclean
G.T.A. says:
i just hope they dont treat me like a child rapist
G.T.A. says:
fucking bullshit
leege POL. says:
like ur unreal...its funny cause as soon as u said guess what i said u fought ron maclean
G.T.A. says:
man he wouldnt go me
G.T.A. says:
i wouldnt go him
G.T.A. says:
obviosuly he has paid off his team
G.T.A. says:
always fucking me
leege POL. says:
it is always you...but this one u did to urself
G.T.A. says:
hahahaha i know fackkkkkkk
G.T.A. says:
all i see is red and then a black out
leege POL. says:
yo can my roomate post this story on his blog
G.T.A. says:
yah of course
G.T.A. says:
actually wait a few days until i see my suspensions
G.T.A. says:
i dont want me case to be contaminated with public knowledge
G.T.A. says:
cant jump right into it....an ol lawyers trick
G.T.A. says:
but yah u guys can...ill verify info if needed
G.T.A. says:
maybe even do a sketch
G.T.A. says:
but yo i gotta go shower and think about my life....
G.T.A. says:
im prolly gunna be run outta oakville
G.T.A. says:
my shot of making the big leagues is crushed. ronny mac is gunna black ball me
leege POL. says:
lol yeah seriously what were u thinkin...thats like attacking the prime minister
G.T.A. says:
i no....i was thinkin what would cherry do
G.T.A. says:
and then i had flashbacks of rock'm sock'm 5
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!!!

Yeah, Yeah St. Patrick's Day is March 17th, I know, I know. But go ahead and celebrate on Monday....... you're all gonna burn in hell!!!! Besides, this is the only St. Patrick's Day of your lifetime you'll ever get to celebrate that isn't on March 17th, so that means you have to party twice as hard!!!!!! Good Luck, I have faith in you!!!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Most Anticipated Movies of 2008
As promised yesterday, here’s a list of the movies I’m most looking forward to seeing this year! Click on the title of each movie, not the poster, to view the trailer:
The Dark Knight

Batman Begins set a new standard for how comic book movies should be made. Batman was also my favourite super hero growing up so you can bet I’ll be at the front of the line come opening day. I will admit it is going to be weird seeing Heath Ledger back up on the big screen but it looks like he’s going out with a bang! (Too soon?)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The name’s a little gay, and in the trailer it looks to be playing up the comedy instead of the adventure (never a good sign). Not to mention that Shia LaBeouf is rumoured to be playing Dr. Jones’ son. But, with all that being said, I can’t deny the fact that Indy was a bona fide hero of my childhood and the shiver that rushes through me every time I hear the theme song begin to swell.

This is either going to be Pixar’s biggest movie ever, surpassing the likes of “Toy Story” and “Finding Nemo”, or it’s going to be their biggest failure. I’m betting on the former.
Iron Man

A comic book movie starring Robert Downey Jr. who plays a super hero who shares my last name? Come on, you know this movie looks so fucking money.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Along with “Pineapple Express”, this is from the dudes behind “40 Year-Old Virgin”, “Knocked Up”, and “Super Bad”. And since all of those were super hilarious I don’t see why this one won’t be as well!
Mister Foe

I don’t know much about this one, but it’s got the kid from “Billy Elliot” in it, that hottie Claire Forlani, and a pretty sick soundtrack, as evidenced in the trailer.
Get Smart

I know what you’re saying; the “Big Screen Remake of an Old TV show” formula is about as exhausted as your grandparents are after having sex. But this one’s also got the hottie factor working for it (Anne Hathaway) and word on the street is it was actually made with some integrity and reverence towards the old series, not just because it already had a built in audience. Besides, it really tickles my fancy hearing Alan Arkin say “We’re not people who jam staples into other people’s heads, that’s CIA crap!”,
Summer Palace

China in the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s was somewhat reminiscent of the west in the ‘60’s. The only problem is it’s a lot harder trying to start a cultural revolution in a communist country than it is in a democratic one. The trailer plays up the romance angle, but I’ve heard this is one of the first films to accurately portray what it was like in China during that time.
The Visitor

The cynic in me says this movie looks way too cheesy to be any good. The cynic in me has also never really amounted to much.

‘Coming of Age’ stories usually work best when your ‘Coming of Age’. The funny this is, most of your life is pretty much spent ‘Coming of Age’.
Young at Heart

Geriatrics covering acts such as The Clash, The Ramones, and James Brown? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as balls to the wall as this!
Taxi To the Dark Side

It’s more than likely that the majority of horrors and atrocities committed by the U.S. during their “War on Terror” won’t even see the light of day for the next couple of decades. This film is one of the few that is shedding some light on the topics the mainstream media wouldn’t dare to cover. It also recently won the academy award for Best Documentary.

I actually don’t think this movie looks that good, but they’re doing buckets near the beginning of the trailer, so I had to include it.
The Year My Parents Went On Vacation

South America has produced some excellent films in the past couple of years so I am recommending this based solely on that. It also seems to have a “Central Station” vibe to it, a great film from Brazil that came out a few years ago.
Son of Rambow

As soon as I saw the rescue attempt of Rambow, I was sold.
Speed Racer

This is what happens when you mix a Japanese cartoon from the 1960’s and a heroic dose of acid.
The Foot Fist Way

"The Foot Fist Way" is the comedy that some of the funniest guys in America think is the funniest movie in America.
The Incredible Hulk

Are they seriously remaking a movie that came out in 2003? At least this one has Edward Norton and Tim Roth. That’s gotta count for something right?

So it’s 1956, there’s a doctor suffering from anxiety and insomnia, who decides on a whim to give up everything he’s earned and live his life on the road... along with his wife and nine children... in a 24 foot trailer.
Step Brothers

Fuck this, I'm tired of writing, just watch the trailer.
More Movies I Want To See But Don’t Have Any Trailers Yet:
Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
The Wackness
American Teen
The Rocker
Tropic Thunder
Burn After Reading
Righteous Kill
Ghost Town
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
City of Ember
Quantum of Solace
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Revolutionary Road
Yes Man
The Dark Knight

Batman Begins set a new standard for how comic book movies should be made. Batman was also my favourite super hero growing up so you can bet I’ll be at the front of the line come opening day. I will admit it is going to be weird seeing Heath Ledger back up on the big screen but it looks like he’s going out with a bang! (Too soon?)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The name’s a little gay, and in the trailer it looks to be playing up the comedy instead of the adventure (never a good sign). Not to mention that Shia LaBeouf is rumoured to be playing Dr. Jones’ son. But, with all that being said, I can’t deny the fact that Indy was a bona fide hero of my childhood and the shiver that rushes through me every time I hear the theme song begin to swell.

This is either going to be Pixar’s biggest movie ever, surpassing the likes of “Toy Story” and “Finding Nemo”, or it’s going to be their biggest failure. I’m betting on the former.
Iron Man

A comic book movie starring Robert Downey Jr. who plays a super hero who shares my last name? Come on, you know this movie looks so fucking money.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Along with “Pineapple Express”, this is from the dudes behind “40 Year-Old Virgin”, “Knocked Up”, and “Super Bad”. And since all of those were super hilarious I don’t see why this one won’t be as well!
Mister Foe

I don’t know much about this one, but it’s got the kid from “Billy Elliot” in it, that hottie Claire Forlani, and a pretty sick soundtrack, as evidenced in the trailer.
Get Smart

I know what you’re saying; the “Big Screen Remake of an Old TV show” formula is about as exhausted as your grandparents are after having sex. But this one’s also got the hottie factor working for it (Anne Hathaway) and word on the street is it was actually made with some integrity and reverence towards the old series, not just because it already had a built in audience. Besides, it really tickles my fancy hearing Alan Arkin say “We’re not people who jam staples into other people’s heads, that’s CIA crap!”,
Summer Palace

China in the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s was somewhat reminiscent of the west in the ‘60’s. The only problem is it’s a lot harder trying to start a cultural revolution in a communist country than it is in a democratic one. The trailer plays up the romance angle, but I’ve heard this is one of the first films to accurately portray what it was like in China during that time.
The Visitor

The cynic in me says this movie looks way too cheesy to be any good. The cynic in me has also never really amounted to much.

‘Coming of Age’ stories usually work best when your ‘Coming of Age’. The funny this is, most of your life is pretty much spent ‘Coming of Age’.
Young at Heart

Geriatrics covering acts such as The Clash, The Ramones, and James Brown? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as balls to the wall as this!
Taxi To the Dark Side

It’s more than likely that the majority of horrors and atrocities committed by the U.S. during their “War on Terror” won’t even see the light of day for the next couple of decades. This film is one of the few that is shedding some light on the topics the mainstream media wouldn’t dare to cover. It also recently won the academy award for Best Documentary.

I actually don’t think this movie looks that good, but they’re doing buckets near the beginning of the trailer, so I had to include it.
The Year My Parents Went On Vacation

South America has produced some excellent films in the past couple of years so I am recommending this based solely on that. It also seems to have a “Central Station” vibe to it, a great film from Brazil that came out a few years ago.
Son of Rambow

As soon as I saw the rescue attempt of Rambow, I was sold.
Speed Racer

This is what happens when you mix a Japanese cartoon from the 1960’s and a heroic dose of acid.
The Foot Fist Way

"The Foot Fist Way" is the comedy that some of the funniest guys in America think is the funniest movie in America.
The Incredible Hulk

Are they seriously remaking a movie that came out in 2003? At least this one has Edward Norton and Tim Roth. That’s gotta count for something right?

So it’s 1956, there’s a doctor suffering from anxiety and insomnia, who decides on a whim to give up everything he’s earned and live his life on the road... along with his wife and nine children... in a 24 foot trailer.
Step Brothers

Fuck this, I'm tired of writing, just watch the trailer.
More Movies I Want To See But Don’t Have Any Trailers Yet:
Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
The Wackness
American Teen
The Rocker
Tropic Thunder
Burn After Reading
Righteous Kill
Ghost Town
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
City of Ember
Quantum of Solace
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Revolutionary Road
Yes Man
"Why does my mind blow to bits every time they play that song?"

I'm callin' it... 2008 is the year My Morning Jacket EXPLODES!!! There is no other band right now that can even come close to the magic that surrounds these guys. They are truly at the top of their game, and as blasphemous as this is to say, I believe their live show is currently on a level only previously occupied by such greats as Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.
As I posted yesterday, they're currently blowing the minds of SXSW attendees and their concert last night was streamed for everyone across the world to hear. If you weren't fortunate enough to tune in last night, NPR has been kind enough to stream it again all day today!!! You can listen to it here. Keep in mind this is only the second time they've played the new songs live and yet they already sound that tight!!!!!
Listed below is the set list as well as where the new songs appear:
1. Evil Urges - 00:00
2. Off The Record
3. Gideon
4. Highly Suspicious - 16:20
5. What a Wonderful Man
6. I'm Amazed - 22:54
7. Thank You Too - 27:33
8. Golden
9. Sec Walkin' - 37:55
10. Wordless Chorus
11. The Way That He Sings
12. Aluminum Park 51:40
13. One Big Holiday
14. Run Thru (This is the best version of Run Thru I've ever heard)
15. Smokin' From Shootin' - 1:09:20
16. Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Part 2 - 1:14:45
17. Steam Engine
18. Lay Low
19. Mahgeetah
20. Anytime
Thursday, March 13, 2008
It's Like.... God's Vagina
Seth Rogen, together again with James Franco, and besides Franco's brief cameo in Knocked Up their first time together since Freaks & Geeks. Written by Rogen and the dude he wrote Super Bad with after Judd Apatow came up with an idea for a "weed action movie". On top of that, the theme song is going to be written by Huey Lewis & The News. I don't know about you, but to me that smells like a recipe for all kinds of ridiculousness. Stay tuned as tomorrow I'll be unveiling my list of Most Anticipated Movies Of 2008!

OK, so you know how once a year your dad has to fly out to a corporate conference somewhere in the deep south and he always complains about the complimentary breakfast at the hotel and how the whole flight down Bill from accounting won't shut the hell up about "maintaining fiscal responsibility on the eve of a recession"? Well, the music industry has one too!!! For one week every year, all different kinds of folk from the music industry head down to Austin, Texas for the South By South West Music Conference and Festival. From journalists looking to break the next big band, to record labels hoping to sign the next big band, to a thousand and one acts all trying to be that next big band. There's also a lot of speeches (this year's Keynote is being delivered by non other than Lou Reed), free concerts, free booze, and free parties. Basically, for your average music nut, just one big circle jerk of awesomeness. Unfortunately, if you are in fact reading this, than that more than likely means you ain't there (and if you are there and you're reading this, well then... you disgust me... stop looking at some losers blog and get the hell out of your hotel room and go rock your balls off!!!). With that being said, I have the next best thing! NPR Music will be webcasting some of the stand out acts throughout the weekend and today we are to be treated to the likes of Yeasayer, Bon Iver, Vampire Weekend, The Whigs, Yo La Tengo, and My Morning Jacket!!!! All these bands are definitely worth checking out, so if you have some time stop on by and give them a listen. The schedule is as follows:
3:30PM: Yeasayer
4:15PM: Bon Iver
5:00PM: Vampire Weekend
9:15PM: The Whigs
10:30PM: Yo La Tengo
12:00AM: My Morning Jacket
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Best of 2007 and 2008 (so far)
Three months into 2008 and you're only now releasing your best of 2007??? As I said in my inaugural post, that's the beauty of having your own blog, you can post whenever you want about whatever you want! Plus, with three months passed it has allowed for some of the later releases of the year to fully soak in and instead of receiving a bias review, I have gained some perspective and can more accurately place them where they deserve to go. I've also included, in my opinion, the best records that have been released (or leaked) so far this year!! So take a gander at said lists and amaze all your hipster friends with your new found musical goodies!!!!
Best of 2007:
1) Yeasayer - All Hour Cymbals

There's a whole world of sound going on in the debut album from this New York byway of Baltimore crew. Very few albums are released these days where you can't precisely pinpoint what "sound" the band is striving for, or what inspirations they're drawing from. This album happens to actually be one of those. It defies classification, but can no doubt be considered in the company of some of the all time greats. Yeasayer has quickly found themselves among my favourite bands, and from here on out I eagerly await anything these boys release. You'll notice that I've also chosen to not number any other album. I originally wasn't going to number any of them, but to deny Yeasayer their rightful place at the top would be a mistake. Now, here are the rest of the best, in no order besides alphabetical:
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam

Arcade Fire – Neon Bible

Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil

Dr. Dog - We All Belong

Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog

Kanye West - Graduation

Kings of Leon - Because Of The Times

M.I.A. - Kala

Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?

Radiohead - In Rainbows

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky

White Stripes - Icky Thump

There it is, the 14 best records of 2007! Sorry, I just couldn't cut it down to 10..... and now for the honorable mentions:
The Almost Made The Top Ten's:
Foreign Born - On The Wing Now
The Chocolate Robots - Purr Quality
Blitzen Trapper - Wild Mountain Nation
The Shins - Wincing The Night Away
A Band of Bees - Octopus
!!! - Myth Takes
Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Bright Eyes - Cassadaga
Neil Young - Chrome Dreams II
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Bruce Springsteen - Magic
Justice - † (cross)
Queens of The Stone Age - Era Vulgaris
Art Brut - It's A Bit Complicated
Rilo Kiley - Under The Blacklight
Josh Ritter - The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter
Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
Band of Horses - Cease to Begin
Grampall Jookabox - Scientific Cricket
The Hives - The Black And White Album
Amy Winehouse - Back to Black
Blood Meridian - Liquidate Paris!
Kevin Drew - Spirit If...
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - Raising Sand
Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Kortedala
And The Rest:
Taken By Trees - Open Field
Do Make Say Think - You, You're A History In Rust
The Besnard Lakes - Are The Dark Horse
Grinderman - Grinderman
The Stooges - The Weirdness
The Avett Brothers - Emotionalism
Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
Blonde Redhead - 23
Arctic Monkeys - Favorite Worst Nightmare
Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Tori Amos - American Doll Posse
Feist - The Reminder
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
Xavier Rudd - White Moth
Paul McCartney - Memory Almost Full
Beastie Boys - The Mix-Up
Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger
Okkervil River - The Stage Names
New Pornographers - Challengers
Ben Harper - Lifeline
The Go! Team - Proof of Youth
Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Babyshambles - Shotter's Nation
Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
Once - Music from the Motion Picture
Gogol Bordello - Super Taranta
The National - Boxer
Battles - Mirrored
Manu Chao - La Radiolina
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Is Is EP
Grizzly Bear - Friends EP
Holy shit, there were a lot of good records in 2007!!! Does 2008 stand a chance? Why don't you be the judge, here is what I believe are the best records of 2008... so far:
Black Mountain - In The Future

For Fans Of: Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, getting so baked you can't feel your face.
She & Him - Volume 1

For Fans Of: Zooey Deschanel, M. Ward, 1935 - 1945
Hot Chip - Made in The Dark

For Fans Of: !!!, LCD Soundsystem, drinking heavily and dancing till 3:00AM
Drive-By Truckers - Brighter Than Creation's Dark

For Fans Of: Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Allman Brothers Band, alt-country, three axe attacks.
Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend

For Fans Of: Paul Simon circa Graceland, frat house hipsters
The Black Keys - Attack & Release

For Fans Of: The White Stripes, blues music so raw it makes you feel like you've just been wrongly convicted of murder and your about to spend the remainder of your days behind bars.
Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple

For Fans Of: The biggest single of the past ten years.
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

For Fans Of: Recently breaking up with your significant other and moving alone to a cabin in the wilderness to cry away the winter months.
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

For Fans Of: The Summer of Love, dripping synthy goodness, getting naked and dancing flamboyantly around your neighborhood.
The Whigs - Mission Control

For Fans Of: The Strokes, Modest Mouse, Perfectly constructed melodies of southern fried indie rock pop.
Cat Power - Jukebox

For Fans Of: Cover tunes, Bob Dylan, super hot chicks with smoke soaked vocals who also have severe cases of stage fright.
Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood*

For Fans Of: The Band, My Morning Jacket, also Band of Horses and Blitzen Trapper (their label mates). * That is the cover of their ep Sun Giant, which was recently released, but if you look hard enough you'll be able to sniff out Ragged Wood.
DeVotchKa - A Mad & Faithful Telling

For Fans Of: Arcade Fire, Little Miss Sunshine, gypsy punks.
Man Man - Rabbit Habits

For Fans Of: Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa, wearing war paint.
Tapes 'n Tapes - Walk It Off

For Fans Of: Modest Mouse, The Pixies, Sonic Youth, Pavement.
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull

For Fans Of: Pink Floyd, psychedelic alt-country, getting lost in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights.
Dr. Dog - Passed Away, Vol. 1

For Fans Of: The Band, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, but if you haven't heard Dr. Dog before you should probably check out their other albums first as this is simply a collection of rarities and home recordings.
Well there you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, the best of 2007 and 2008 so far. That should keep you busy for quite a while!!!
Best of 2007:
1) Yeasayer - All Hour Cymbals

There's a whole world of sound going on in the debut album from this New York byway of Baltimore crew. Very few albums are released these days where you can't precisely pinpoint what "sound" the band is striving for, or what inspirations they're drawing from. This album happens to actually be one of those. It defies classification, but can no doubt be considered in the company of some of the all time greats. Yeasayer has quickly found themselves among my favourite bands, and from here on out I eagerly await anything these boys release. You'll notice that I've also chosen to not number any other album. I originally wasn't going to number any of them, but to deny Yeasayer their rightful place at the top would be a mistake. Now, here are the rest of the best, in no order besides alphabetical:
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam

Arcade Fire – Neon Bible

Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil

Dr. Dog - We All Belong
Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog

Kanye West - Graduation

Kings of Leon - Because Of The Times

M.I.A. - Kala

Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?

Radiohead - In Rainbows

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky

White Stripes - Icky Thump

There it is, the 14 best records of 2007! Sorry, I just couldn't cut it down to 10..... and now for the honorable mentions:
The Almost Made The Top Ten's:
Foreign Born - On The Wing Now
The Chocolate Robots - Purr Quality
Blitzen Trapper - Wild Mountain Nation
The Shins - Wincing The Night Away
A Band of Bees - Octopus
!!! - Myth Takes
Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Bright Eyes - Cassadaga
Neil Young - Chrome Dreams II
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Bruce Springsteen - Magic
Justice - † (cross)
Queens of The Stone Age - Era Vulgaris
Art Brut - It's A Bit Complicated
Rilo Kiley - Under The Blacklight
Josh Ritter - The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter
Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
Band of Horses - Cease to Begin
Grampall Jookabox - Scientific Cricket
The Hives - The Black And White Album
Amy Winehouse - Back to Black
Blood Meridian - Liquidate Paris!
Kevin Drew - Spirit If...
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - Raising Sand
Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Kortedala
And The Rest:
Taken By Trees - Open Field
Do Make Say Think - You, You're A History In Rust
The Besnard Lakes - Are The Dark Horse
Grinderman - Grinderman
The Stooges - The Weirdness
The Avett Brothers - Emotionalism
Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
Blonde Redhead - 23
Arctic Monkeys - Favorite Worst Nightmare
Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Tori Amos - American Doll Posse
Feist - The Reminder
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
Xavier Rudd - White Moth
Paul McCartney - Memory Almost Full
Beastie Boys - The Mix-Up
Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger
Okkervil River - The Stage Names
New Pornographers - Challengers
Ben Harper - Lifeline
The Go! Team - Proof of Youth
Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Babyshambles - Shotter's Nation
Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
Once - Music from the Motion Picture
Gogol Bordello - Super Taranta
The National - Boxer
Battles - Mirrored
Manu Chao - La Radiolina
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Is Is EP
Grizzly Bear - Friends EP
Holy shit, there were a lot of good records in 2007!!! Does 2008 stand a chance? Why don't you be the judge, here is what I believe are the best records of 2008... so far:
Black Mountain - In The Future

For Fans Of: Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, getting so baked you can't feel your face.
She & Him - Volume 1

For Fans Of: Zooey Deschanel, M. Ward, 1935 - 1945
Hot Chip - Made in The Dark

For Fans Of: !!!, LCD Soundsystem, drinking heavily and dancing till 3:00AM
Drive-By Truckers - Brighter Than Creation's Dark

For Fans Of: Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Allman Brothers Band, alt-country, three axe attacks.
Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend

For Fans Of: Paul Simon circa Graceland, frat house hipsters
The Black Keys - Attack & Release

For Fans Of: The White Stripes, blues music so raw it makes you feel like you've just been wrongly convicted of murder and your about to spend the remainder of your days behind bars.
Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple

For Fans Of: The biggest single of the past ten years.
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

For Fans Of: Recently breaking up with your significant other and moving alone to a cabin in the wilderness to cry away the winter months.
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

For Fans Of: The Summer of Love, dripping synthy goodness, getting naked and dancing flamboyantly around your neighborhood.
The Whigs - Mission Control

For Fans Of: The Strokes, Modest Mouse, Perfectly constructed melodies of southern fried indie rock pop.
Cat Power - Jukebox

For Fans Of: Cover tunes, Bob Dylan, super hot chicks with smoke soaked vocals who also have severe cases of stage fright.
Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood*

For Fans Of: The Band, My Morning Jacket, also Band of Horses and Blitzen Trapper (their label mates). * That is the cover of their ep Sun Giant, which was recently released, but if you look hard enough you'll be able to sniff out Ragged Wood.
DeVotchKa - A Mad & Faithful Telling

For Fans Of: Arcade Fire, Little Miss Sunshine, gypsy punks.
Man Man - Rabbit Habits

For Fans Of: Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa, wearing war paint.
Tapes 'n Tapes - Walk It Off

For Fans Of: Modest Mouse, The Pixies, Sonic Youth, Pavement.
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull

For Fans Of: Pink Floyd, psychedelic alt-country, getting lost in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights.
Dr. Dog - Passed Away, Vol. 1

For Fans Of: The Band, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, but if you haven't heard Dr. Dog before you should probably check out their other albums first as this is simply a collection of rarities and home recordings.
Well there you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, the best of 2007 and 2008 so far. That should keep you busy for quite a while!!!
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