Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Best Music of 2009 (so far)

I'm just in the midst of putting the polishing touches on my Best Albums of 2008 article; so now that you've had the chance to digest everyone elses', you can come here to get the straight up, true music lover's choice... the definitive list, if you will. In the meantime though, 2009 is making itself out to be an early contender for a great year of music. Already out are a couple albums that have pretty much guaranteed their way onto my Best of 2009 list. First up was Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavilion. Indie rockers must of been extra good this past year because come Christmas morning the album somehow had magically found it's way onto the interwebs. You can listen to the whole album streaming here or I'm sure with enough sniffing around you too can find a download of it. Check out the album cover....

Don't worry, that's just your eyes playing tricks on you. You haven't been slipped any electric kool-aid. But, if you do want to know what an acid trip actually feels like, just download "Merriweather Post Pavilion" and you'll have a pretty good idea......
Be forewarned, any consumption of hallucinogenics in collaboration with the listening of said album could potentially produce severe brain hemorrhaging and should only be undertaken by the utmost professional.

If you do make it through Animal Collective's latest opus, you're going to need something to come down to. Thankfully, M. Ward's Hold Time is now available as well.

It's not actually released until February 17th but the whole album is currently streaming over at NPR . If brevity is more your thing, check out this video for the title track directed by M. Ward himself.

Lastly, but definitely not least, is Neko Case with a new song called People Got Alotta Nerve off Middle Cyclone, due out March 2nd. The best part about bringing you this tune? Just by linking to it here on my blog, Neko Case's label will donate $5.00 to the Best Friends Animal Society. If you have a blog, you should link to it as well as the deal stands for all that do.


Unknown said...

good call on AC's new album sir. that album is buttery! with tones of transcendence.

i think you can safely place that on your best music of 09 list already. but not before you reiterate your 08 list to include of montreal's skeletal lamping

clementine said...

who the fuck is animal collective? sounds pretty gaaay